Tag Archives: asphalt pavement

Asphalt Day will be celebrated worldwide

The Asphalt Institute is working to make sure everyone around the world knows that May 15 is Asphalt Day. The group is spreading the news about the annual celebration through industry channels and an international public relations campaign.

“We want to celebrate Asphalt Day each year because most of the world interacts with asphalt every day through roadways, walking paths, residential roofs, airport runways and commercial roofing systems,” said Asphalt Institute President Pete Grass.


Learning more about recycled plastics in asphalt pavements

By Dr. Mark Buncher, Ph.D., P.E.

A joint Asphalt Institute (AI) and National Asphalt Pavement Association (NAPA) task force was formed in late 2019 to address the topic of recycled plastics in asphalt. The objective of the task force was to develop a document that would synthesize the literature and describe the current state of the knowledge while identifying knowledge gaps and future research needs.

AI and NAPA hired Dr. Fan Yin of the National Center for Asphalt Technology (NCAT) to conduct a comprehensive literature review on the use of recycled plastics in asphalt binders and mixtures.
