Asphalt Day will be celebrated worldwide

The Asphalt Institute is working to make sure everyone around the world knows that May 15 is Asphalt Day. The group is spreading the news about the annual celebration through industry channels and an international public relations campaign.

“We want to celebrate Asphalt Day each year because most of the world interacts with asphalt every day through roadways, walking paths, residential roofs, airport runways and commercial roofing systems,” said Asphalt Institute President Pete Grass.

Studies show 94 percent of all U.S. roads are paved with asphalt and 80 percent of U.S. residential roofs are covered with asphalt roofing shingles. This day is designed to increase awareness of the versatility of asphalt roofing and paving products while demonstrating the resiliency and sustainability of asphalt.

“We want to ensure the celebration includes asphalt roads and asphalt roofing. This is a vital industry that positively affects consumers around the world,” said Asphalt Institute 2023 Chair Bob Cheever.

Companies and organizations are encouraged to begin planning festivities, social media presence and local news coverage in their areas for May 15, 2024. Learn more at

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