AASHTO renews alliance to improve safety in highway work zones

WORKZONEThe American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials renewed a long-standing alliance with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health and the Roadway Work Zone Safety and Health Partners to make construction work zones safer.

The construction industry associations in the alliance represent more than 1.2 million members and workers nationwide. Under the agreement alliance partners agree to provide to their members information, guidance, and access to training resources designed to protect their health and safety in work zones.

“We know that prevention is the key,” said Bud Wright, executive director of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. “Roughly 20,000 injuries occur each year in highway construction work zones. By working in an organized way the alliance is trying to bring those numbers down by improving work zone safety through education, training and increased awareness.”

Since the first two-year agreement was signed in 2007, alliance members have convened or participated in forums, roundtable discussions and stakeholder meetings to forge innovative solutions to work zone safety and health issues.

During this five-year agreement, the alliance will continue to work with its member state DOT officials, paramedics, police officers, truck drivers, and other work zone visitors to share information about traffic management techniques; how to prevent construction equipment related incidents; the use of proper personal protective equipment and high-visibility apparel to wear; improving communications with non-English-speaking or limited-English-speaking workers; and how to enter and exit work zones safely.

For more information visit osha.gov.

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