Warm Mix Asphalt Technical Working Group formed

A Warm Mix Asphalt Technical Working Group (WMA TWG) has been formed that consists of both government officials and industry representatives, including FHWA, NAPA, state DOTs, SAPAs, AI, AASHTO, NCAT and NIOSH. Dr. Mark Buncher of the Asphalt Institute will serve on this TWG representing AI. Co-chairs are from FHWA and NAPA.

The overall mission of this recently formed group is to evaluate beneficial and cost effective WMA technologies and to implement proactive WMA policies, practices and procedures. Specific goals include:

  • Promote technology transfer and guidance in the development and implementation of WMA
  • Facilitate the development of procedures that allow for product approval of WMA technologies and materials
  • Develop a list of research needs and seek funding support
  • Facilitate the development of uniform product quality and performance protocols
  • Develop and provide guidelines for mix design and construction of WMA
  • Identify other WMA benefits such as fuel conservation, compaction aid to achieve mat density, etc.

A charter has been finalized and a document has been drafted for the suggested framework of emissions testing and recording energy consumption on future WMA demo projects.

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