Talking Asphalt: Never stronger – November 2014


Posted 11/01/2014

Our mission for the Asphalt Institute is to promote the quality use of petroleum asphalt and I can assure you we are working hard to deliver this on a daily basis in many ways.

One of our major focus points is working together to portray a consistent message with our partners in the industry. The Asphalt Pavement Alliance…

(APA) is a cohesive partnership we have with the National Asphalt Pavement Association and the State Asphalt Pavement Associations across the country to really drive home the messages to the specifiers and agencies.

The efforts have never been stronger and together we can make a difference. Our “drivability” campaign is a good start, reflecting the positive attributes of asphalt and why a road should be paved in this manner.

Videos have become an essential part of the plan allowing us to distribute messages in a cost-effective way to a large audience in a very timely manner. The first video portrays the road as part of the experience that we are seeking. “The Road is The Place To Be” touches on emotional aspects we can all relate to.

The latest video plays off a slogan that everyone is familiar with. “Road Age” showcases the positive attributes and the need for improved infrastructure in an easy to understand format. By sharing these videos, we can increase awareness of ease of construction, smoothness and minimal noise – all attributes associated with asphalt roads. So please share all you want!

The Asphalt Institute Regional Engineers are also a big part of the effort. They are out in the field working with DOTs, making onsite visits, speaking at conferences and further promoting the quality message utilizing these materials.

By working together and preparing solid, factual messages on a consistent basis, progress will be made in our quest to promote the quality use of asphalt.

Contact Tracie.

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