Lab Corner: A(I), Asphalt

In February’s “National Geographic”, I saw a headline that read…

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Lab Corner: The power of three

I was listening to the radio recently and heard “Learning…

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Lab Corner: The Oracle

It is always funny what sticks in your head from…

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Lab Corner: When you hear hoofbeats

One of the best things about the internet is the…

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Lab Corner: Having it all?

Toothpaste has been on my shopping list for a while…

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Lab Corner: Glory Days

If you’re a frequent reader of "Lab Corner", you know…

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Lab Corner: A few of my favorite things

I love my dog, but he has his own odd…

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Lab Corner: The right (of) way

Despite being recognized as a laid-back person, friends and family…

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Lab Corner: Sci-fi and french fries

Probably not a surprise given that I’m an engineer, but…

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