Department proposes $856 million in INFRA grants

INFRA discretionary grants support fixing our nation’s infrastructure by creating opportunities for all levels of government and the private sector to fund infrastructure, using innovative approaches to improve the processes for building significant projects and increasing accountability for the projects that are built. In addition to providing direct federal funding, the INFRA discretionary grant program aims to increase the total investment by state, local and private partners.
The new program promotes the incorporation of innovative technology that will improve our transportation system. INFRA will also hold recipients accountable for their performance in project delivery and operations.
The department is proposing awards under the INFRA discretionary grant program to both large and small projects. For a large project, the INFRA grant must be at least $25 million. For a small project, the grant must be at least $5 million. For each fiscal year of INFRA funds, 10 percent of available funds are reserved for small projects. The INFRA discretionary grant program also preserves the statutory requirement in the FAST Act to award at least 25 percent of funding for rural projects.
Some large projects include:
• The Arizona Department of Transportation will be awarded $90 million to add capacity on a rural, mountainous stretch of I-17 north of Phoenix.
• The City of Temecula, CA, will be awarded $50 million to construct a two-lane northbound collector/distributor system along I-15.
• Missouri DOT will be awarded $81.2 million in INFRA funds to complete two critical upgrades along I-70.
• The Mississippi Department of Transportation will be awarded $52.4 million to complete the Appalachian Development Highway System (ADHS) in Mississippi.
• The Oregon Department of Transportation will be awarded $60.4 million to make a series of improvements to roadways on the north side of Bend, Oregon.
• The Rhode Island Department of Transportation will be awarded $60.355 million to rebuild the Providence Interstate 95 Northbound Viaduct.
Some smaller projects include:
• The Colorado DOT will be awarded $8.297 million to add approximately 12 miles of passing lanes along US 287 in rural southeastern Colorado.
• Cobb County, GA will be awarded $5 million for the construction of a 24-foot-wide reversible ramp providing direct access to the I-75 Managed Lanes system.
• The City of Union Gap, WA, will be awarded $6.66 million to construct the Regional Beltway connecting SR-97 to Longfibre Road.
• The West Virginia Division of Highways (WVDOT), will be awarded $9.4 million for the WV2 Proctor to Kent project.
For more information, please visit or click here to view project fact sheets.