Articles by Mark Blow, P.E.

Dielectric Profiling Systems (DPS) prepare to hit the road

Research advances implementation  Using intelligent construction technology to enhance asphalt…

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Solving density problems with paver screed settings

In 2012 the Asphalt Institute,  in cooperation with the Federal…

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Understanding pavement distress in asphalt

The majority of pavement distresses fall into two major categories:…

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Maximizing pavement life over the years

Over 50 years ago, the Asphalt Institute introduced full-depth asphalt.…

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Maximize your pavement life

Agencies struggling to stretch available transportation dollars often reduce project…

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Building pavements to last in Minneapolis 

High volume asphalt moratorium lifted High volume routes constructed with…

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Keeping traffic on the move

Customer surveys show one undeniable fact; motorists do not like…

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A better way to measure RAP and core Gmm

Find theoretical specific gravity of RAP and cored material Crushing,…

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Bailey Method offers technicians volumetric control

Originally published in Asphalt Pro magazine, January 2009 If you…

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ACPA’s StreetPave: User beware

  ACPA’s marketing claim of “equivalent” asphalt and concrete design…

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