
APA announces new website at

The Asphalt Pavement Alliance recently announced a new website at The new site is packed with useful information targeted to a wide range of audiences, from sophisticated DOT engineers to top-level policy makers, elected officials and the general public.

“The information on the site is organized into the general subject areas of Economics, Environment, Engineering, and Policy,” commented Jackie Tavitas of BP Asphalt, who co-chaired the group that developed the site. “The attractive design uses the APA’s new black and white imagery with bold splashes of color. Site users will find that navigating is a breeze,” she said.

Bob Glenn of Lakeside Industries, Washington, also a co-chair of the team that created the site, said, “The new site makes it as easy for a DOT engineer to download the APA’s life-cycle cost software as it does for an environmentalist to learn about asphalt’s green track record. The site houses all the publications and materials the APA has produced this year, including a policy white paper, a synthesis document on Perpetual Pavements, a brochure on fuel savings from smooth roads and a flyer promoting the use of the LCCAExpress software.”

Users familiar with APA materials will find that many of the documents and resources available through the previous APA site are now available for download on

The Asphalt Pavement Alliance is a coalition of the Asphalt Institute, the National Asphalt Pavement Association and the State Asphalt Pavement Associations. The Asphalt Pavement Alliance’s mission is to further the use and quality of asphalt pavements. The Alliance will accomplish this through research, technology transfer, engineering, education and innovation.

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