A centennial celebration of asphalt technology


Comedian Jerry Seinfeld wrote that one of his father’s joys in life was to get serious people to break into laughter. He called it “breaking that face.” Not literally of course – that would be more of a sociopath’s goal than a comedian’s – but I understand the sentiment, since one of my favorite moments happens when new people I meet in a social, non-technical setting ask what I do.

I smile and begin explaining about asphalt technology…reveling inwardly in the initial puzzled look followed by the feigned interest and a glance over my shoulder to see if someone, anyone, is coming to save them from the conversation. What the well-meaning, but really-sorry-they-asked individual thinks but doesn’t say is “How can you possibly have worked in asphalt technology for so long?” I think they would be flabbergasted to know how long technical experts have studied and debated asphalt technology and that there is a professional association for people like me who work with asphalt technology that has been around even longer – 100 years as a matter of fact.

Looking back

The Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists (AAPT) was formed in 1924 by 19 charter members, many of whom are well known, either through having tests named after them – such as the Hubbard-Field Stabilometer test (Prevost Hubbard), Oliensis Spot Test (Gershon Oliensis) and Abson Recovery Procedure (Gene Abson) – or being honored by industry in other ways – such as the Asphalt Institute Roll of Honor (Francis P. Smith, Leroy M. Law, Hubbard and Abson).

In the constitution of the association, it was noted that: “Membership in this association shall be open to persons whose duties are related to asphalt pavement technology. Membership technical experience shall be defined as professional activity related to the design, analysis, production, construction and performance of asphalt pavements, or the production of materials used in such pavements.”

Although the basics remain, membership requirements have changed through the years. When I first joined over 30 years ago you needed at least one other active member to recommend you in writing by citing your worthiness to join the professional association. That practice has since gone by the wayside. If you have the experience and the willingness to pay your membership dues, then AAPT is happy to have you.

Going further back to the inception of the association, a note was found regarding membership that stated “some qualifications should be set up after a man becomes a member relative to his attendance and also his interest in furthering the ideals of the association. For instance, a man might be disqualified if he failed to attend more than two successive meetings provided he did not have a good excuse such as illness…” I probably don’t even need to point out the obvious issues with the preceding statement and will just note that such additional qualifications absolutely would not work in our society today.

From the beginning, AAPT was concerned with the presentation and application of research and innovation. There were not many other venues to specifically discuss asphalt technology at the time, so many of the functions of reviewing specifications and test procedures that are now handled through ASTM International and AASHTO Committee on Materials and Pavements were first addressed through AAPT.

The first formal paper presented at an AAPT technical session was in 1925 by Walter J. Emmons, a research specialist for the Bureau of Public Roads, who spoke on their research studies in asphalt paving. AAPT has since honored him by naming their recognition for best paper at the annual meeting as the Emmons Award. Since 1949, AAPT has recognized groundbreaking work presented as part of their annual meeting that has defined and advanced our understanding of all facets of asphalt technology used in pavements.

Life as we know it now

In its first 100 years, AAPT witnessed many changes. The annual meeting, always a highlight for members, was not held in 1944, 1945 or 1946 due to World War II. It wasn’t until 2020 when there was another disruption in the annual meeting which was scheduled for March 22-25 that year – the global pandemic of COVID-19. Fortunately, the technology available today enabled AAPT to still host an all-virtual meeting September 14-16, 2020. The in-person meetings returned in September 2021 in Nashville, with a virtual component, allowing for the first time, a hybrid meeting with online and in-person attendees.

Despite the disruption to the annual meeting caused by World War II, the association survived and thrived, with membership growing from 232 in 1943 to 282 in 1947. Similarly, despite some of the challenges of in-person meetings the last ten years have seen relative stability in membership. At the annual meeting in San Diego in September 2023, the AAPT membership stood at 730 members, with a blend of individuals working in academia, industry and government.

In 2023, AAPT rolled out its revised five-year strategic plan with an eye toward the next 100 years, including new vision and mission statements that succinctly state the purpose of the association:

Vision: The Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists is a leading worldwide community dedicated to the excellence and advancement of asphalt paving technology.

Mission: The Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists is a global community of researchers and practitioners that serves as a central forum for communication, networking, and exchange of ideas to advance the body of knowledge and state of the practice in asphalt paving technology.

The vision and mission statements help guide the purpose of the association with detailed objectives further provided in the newly revised strategic plan.

Celebrating 100 years

The first meeting of AAPT happened in Chicago in 1924. To honor that historical event, the 2024 annual meeting will also be held in Chicago at the LOEWS Chicago Hotel from September 9-12. The program will consist of invited presentations covering:

• History of AAPT
• Evolution of Asphalt Mixtures Design throughout the Years
• Characterizing Asphalt Binders from Basics to Beyond
• Quality Control and Construction Practices: Impactful Events from Past to Present
• Researching Inclusion of Recyclable Components in Asphalt Mixtures Over the Years
• Toward More Sustainable and Resilient Pavements
• Preserving Asphalt Pavements: Applications and Implications on Service Life
• Interdependency of Pavement Materials, Design, and Performance

In addition to the technical sessions there will be a few special social events – during which, unlike your neighbors, people will have genuine interest in what you do in the field of asphalt technology. Registration details can be found on the AAPT website at asphalttechnology.org. Sponsorship and exhibit space opportunities are also available.

Eyes on the future

The changeover to September meetings was a necessity resulting from the effects of the global pandemic. Starting next year, the AAPT Annual Meeting will move back to its more traditional time in late winter with the meeting slated for March 10-13, 2025, at the Whitney Peak Hotel in Reno, Nevada.

Going forward there will be an emphasis on new aspects of asphalt paving technology – expect more focus on sustainability and resilience, as well as balanced mix design, durability, preservation, and life cycle assessment – but also on the basics of understanding asphalt materials and their behavior.

Next up for AAPT is to start planning the quasquicentennial celebration (125 years) in 2049, when there will undoubtedly be new technical issues to discuss. Quasquicentennial. Seriously. I was today years old when I learned that was a word. Trot that one out in casual conversation at the next cocktail party if you want to be left alone for the rest of your evening…or life.

Anderson is the Asphalt Institute Director of Research and Laboratory Services and serves as the Executive Director of the AAPT.

The Asphalt Institute played a prominent role early in the history of AAPT. In 1926 a second meeting of AAPT was held in the fall in New York City in cooperation with the Asphalt Association (later changing names to the Asphalt Institute). AAPT’s partnership with the Asphalt Association/Asphalt Institute continued with the Asphalt Association/Asphalt Institute acting as co-sponsor responsible for at least one technical session at each conference through 1938.

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